Review Class Course (3 Courses)
[ Review Course Curriculum ]

More detailed education on areas that may be not be completed in the regular course

[ Tongsa + Seong’s BEW ]

Accurate education and practice on treatment points through Seong’s BEW

[ Tongsa Master ]

Best choice to become a Tongsa Master

Regular Course (3 courses)

The Regular Course of Tongsa Global Academy
Training for Mastering Tongsa.

Review 1,2.

All the Muscles Covered in Course 1, 2, and 3

Review 1,2.

All the Muscles Covered in Course 1, 2, and 3

Review 3.

Seong’s BEW

Review 3.

Seong’s BEW

Step 3.

All the muscles of lower extremity

Step 3.

All the muscles of lower extremity